Assessment Methodologies

To achieve a more economically resilient and sustainable coffee sector, that brings real value to all stakeholders, the sector needs transparency and credible information. This is particularly true for smallholders, who are the foundation of the coffee sector, to be able to improve their economic situation and move towards prosperity, while providing economic and social benefits as land stewards and key community development actors.

Coffee is one of the most consumed drinks in the world, but behind each cup there is a story of effort, dedication and resilience on...

To achieve a more economically resilient and sustainable coffee sector, that brings real value to all stakeholders, the sector needs transparency and credible information.  This...

The Living Income Community of Practice (LICoP) has identified the need for guidance to support researchers and practitioners in assessing the gap between actual farming...

This report was authored by NewForesight. NewForesight is a strategy consultancy specializing in sustainability and market transformation. NewForesight seeks to drive innovation in the field...

COSA, ISEAL and the Sustainable Food Lab are aligning our metric protocols and producing common guidance on smallholder agriculture sustainability measurement. To begin, we are...

Methodology Guide This Guide helps the reader to understand key elements of the living income concept: what is it, why is it relevant, and how...