Regional Knowledge Hub: Mesoamerica

For the roadmap to a dignified and living-prosperous income

About the Regional Knowledge Hub

Assessments Methodologies

To achieve a more economically resilient and sustainable coffee sector, that brings real value to all stakeholders, the sector needs transparency and credible information.

Pilot Proyects and Case Studies

This section is a place to find information on projects, studies and examples related to living income assessments, resilient landscapes and market policies.

Regional and Sector Challenges and Responses

It looks at what the collective action at the regional level identifies as key challenges for the sector and presents strategies to address those challenges at the national, regional and sector level.

Other regional/global Knowledge hubs

This section provides information on the other two regional coffee platforms collaborating with the ICO CPPTF; the Inter-African Coffee Organization (25 member countries in Africa) and PROMECAFE (9 member countries in Mesoamerica) and the OIC Global Knowledge Center.

Latest Knowledge hub releases

Reflections on EUDR legality requirements European Forestry Institute

The video represents an excerpt from the Central American Learning Community meeting on EUDR held on August 22, 2024. In it, Alice Bisiaux, from the…
Reflections on EUDR legality requirements European Forestry Institute

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